I have been totally amazed at the significant shifts and changes clients have been going through receiving long distance sessions. One of the main differences for a lot of my clients when they receive the long distance session is they get to receive the session in the comfort of their own home and then they can be in a totally relaxed state. Not having to worry about traveling to an appointment.This is a luxury , I love to receive long distance sessions for the same reason.after I can relax and not travel home.
Quantum physics research and modern scientific discoveries show convincingly that distant healing (also known as remote healing, distance healing or long-distance healing) is
just as effective as “face to face” treatments. Quantum physicists have
argued for the existence of the zero point field through which we are
all connected and this connection is independent of time and space. This
important finding gives scientific credibility to remote healing.
During the long distance bodytalk session the bodytalk practitioner is able to connect to the clients innate healing ability and discover what is the priority for the clients body that needs to be addressed. Through the session root causes behind the imbalances in the body are released allowing the body to get back into optimal health and well-being.
Here is research to back up that long distance Bodytalk sessions really do work..
Laura Stuve, a Certified BodyTalk Instructor, practitioner, and PhD
Molecular Biologist and geneticist, performed a chronic pain study,
along with Janet Galipo, Senior BodyTalk Instructor, and 6 other
American BodyTalk practitioners. The study was performed using distance
sessions only, targeting chronic pain, in individuals who had never
received ANY BodyTalk before this study. These conditions were
established to comply with the National Institute of Health, and
followed their guidelines using a randomized control trial, single
order to control for the placebo effect, keeping NIH grant credibility
as the guideline, the distance sessions were established as the blinding
effect. Assessments were done by Self Assessments using PROMIS, also
NIH guidelines.
subjects were any individuals who had chronic pain, on a pain scale
from 0 - 10, 0 being no pain and 10 being excruciating, the rating had
to be more that 4.
conditions were that all subjects had to have all correspondance done
remotely, and all sessions were distance. This meant that all subjects
corresponded only via phone or through the website. The subjects were
not allowed to use any other CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medicine)
modalities for the duration of the 9 week study. The only exclusions
were that subjects had to be 18 and older and could not be on opiate
based pain medications.
results were undeniably astounding! Measurements were recorded by
statistician, Dr. Honghu Liu, PhD, a professor at UCLA's School of
Medicine who is actively teaching clinical study design and who helped
developed the PROMIS initiative.
control group, (who DID NOT receive BodyTalk sessions), reported a
15.4% improvement, while the study group, (who DID received sessions),
reported a 70.4% improvement. When the statistical data was analysed, a
significant value will always measure under 0.05. The lower the value,
the greater the significance of improvement.
The data showed:
For Pain Level 0.0074
For Pain Impact0.0493
For Anxiety0.0025
For Depression0.0321
For Anger0.0061
For Fatigue0.0333
the study was over, all participants were asked which group they
thought they were in. Only 1 person from the control group thought they
were in the study group. However, nearly all of the participants in the
study group thought they were receiving BodyTalk sessions.
am thrilled and truly inspired by the work that Dr. Laura Stuve, Dr.
Janet Galipo, and the American practitioners created. Please let others
know about this data. If these are the results using distance
sessions, one can only imagine the results globally!
Spread the news! BodyTalk clinically demonstrates significant improvement!